Keeping Sites Accessible With Types

A presentation at ClojuTre 2019 in September 2019 in Helsinki, Finland by Fotis Papadogeorgopoulos

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Keeping Sites Accessible With Types Fotis Papadogeorgopoulos (@isfotis)

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Accessibility On The Web

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Accessibility on The Web Communicate information to users Name + Role + Value (+ Interaction) “Book tickets, button, press enter to activate” Covered in Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)

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Source: Semantics to Screen Readers, by Melanie Richards

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The Accessibility Cake Markup + Styling + Interactivity Source: ibility-stack/

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Common Issues

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Heading Order Headings provide the outline for the document. They must be consistently nested in the source.

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Form Labels Labels provide visual guidance and hierarchy Labels expose the accessible name of the input Placeholders don’t count!

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50% Of home pages on the web, don’t have labels Source:

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Missing Image Alt Text Images, both as <img> and <svg>: ● If they are content, need alternative text ● If they are decorative, should be marked as such

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68% Of home pages on the web, don’t have alt text Source:

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On a bad day, or tight deadline, even the most diligent person will get things wrong

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Pause and ponder, with types

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hX : HeadingLevel -> List (Attribute msg) -> List (Html msg) -> Html msg
hX level =
    case level of
        H1 ->

        H2 ->

        H3 ->

        H4 ->

        H5 ->

        H6 ->

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heading : HeadingLevel -> List (Attribute msg) -> List (Html msg) -> Html msg
heading level attrs children =
    hX level (class "myHeading" :: attrs) children

subHeading : HeadingLevel -> List (Attribute msg) -> List (Html msg) -> Html msg
subHeading level attrs children =
    hX level (class "mySubHeading" :: attrs) children

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view : Model -> Html ()
view model =
  div []
    [ heading H1 [] [ text "Heading Demo" ]
    , nestedSection H2 "Hello"

nestedSection : HeadingLevel -> String -> Html msg
nestedSection level demoData =
  div []
    [ subHeading level [] [ text "Data" ]
    , p [] [ text "This is a section about data." ]
    -- Propagate the heading level + 1
    , subHeading (incrementLevel level) [] [ text "Count" ]
    , p [] [ text demoData ]

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Elm type error: The 1st argument to nestedSection is not what I expect. The argument is a list of type: “List a” But nestedSection needs the 1st argument to be: HeadingLevel

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  -- Label contains the input + text
  = EmbeddedLabel String
  --Label is assocciated with a DOM id
  | LabelledById DomId

type DomId
    = DomId String

domIdToString (DomId idRef) =

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-- Creating an input
input : InputLabelMethod -> List (Attribute msg) -> List (Html msg) -> Html msg
input labelMethod attrs children =
    case labelMethod of
        EmbeddedLabel labelText ->
            label []
                [ text labelText
                , Html.input attrs children

        LabelledById (DomId idRef) ->
                (id idRef :: attrs)

inputLabel : DomId -> List (Attribute msg) -> List (Html msg) -> Html msg
inputLabel idRef attrs children =
    label (for (domIdToString idRef) :: attrs) children

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-- In use
nameLabelId =
  DomId "nameLabel"

view : Model -> Html ()
view model =
  div []
    [ input (EmbeddedLabel "Email") [ attribute "type" "email ] []
    , inputLabel nameLabelId [] [text "Name"]
    , input (LabelledById nameLabelId) [ attribute "type" "text" ] []

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“Hey, I have an error about labels What do I pick?”

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“Embedded labels might be simpler”

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“Ah, we also have more high-level ones”

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“Let’s look at it together”

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“In this codebase, we care about form labels”

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view =
    div []
        [ -- Ok
          img Decorative [ src "/kitten.jpg" ]
        , img (Content "The top of some colored buildings lit by sunset.") [ src "/sunset.jpg" ]
        , -- Error! Expected "Purpose"
          img [ src "/error.jpg" ]

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“What is my purpose?”

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-- Creating a reusable image/icon
homeIcon : Purpose -> List (Attribute msg) -> Html msg
homeIcon purpose attrs =
    svgImg purpose attrs 
        [ polyline [ points "21 8 21 21 3 21 3 8" ] []
        , rect [ x "1", y "3", width "22", height "5" ] []
        , line [ x1 "10", y1 "12", x2 "14", y2 "12" ] []

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-- In use
view model =
    nav [] [
      a [href "/"] [homeIcon (Content "Home") []],
      a [href "/entries"] [
        homeIcon Decorative [], 
        text "Home"

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type Purpose =
  | {type: 'decorative'}
  | {type: 'standalone', label: string}

const Decorative = (): Purpose => ({type: 'decorative'});
const Standalone = (label: string): Purpose => ({type: 'standalone', label});

interface IconProps extends SVGAttributes<SVGElement> {
  purpose: Purpose;
  color?: string;
  size?: string | number;

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Types will not solve everything…

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There are layers of expertise, visible and invisible work

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Types can help you ask the right questions

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Types can help make the work visible

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  • Tessa Kelly’s accessible-html package for Elm
  • Sara Soueidan on Accessible SVG icons
  • Scott O’ Hara on Contextually Marking up images

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Thanks! Want to work with me? Futurice is hiring ( Get in touch @isfotis Let’s chat in the breaks!